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Recursos locales para pastos submarinos

Hemos reunido una variedad de recursos específicos de Delmarva para que los veas, categorizados por:

Close-up of a freshwater SAV plant underwater.

A combination of drone-based techniques, kayak surveys, and manual ground surveys to map over 1,600 acres of tidal waters within the Inland Bays

This groups goal is to bring together experts in SAV research and management from each of the U.S. East Coast states from NC to ME.

Coming in 2025!

A report by Clarence Cottam U.S. FWS and David Munro Canadian Wildlife Service, 1954.

The first official SAV monitoring program for volunteer scientists developed by the Chesapeake Bay Program.

A report that highlights input from various Delaware sectors regarding SAV needs.

An annual aerial image gathering and assessment effort to determine the distribution and density of SAV in the Bay and its tidal tributaries.

Este sitio web está financiado por Delaware Sea Grant y el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Control Ambiental de Delaware (DNREC). El contenido es administrado por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Vegetación Acuática Sumergida del Estado de Delaware.

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