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Recursos locales para pastos submarinos

Hemos reunido una variedad de recursos específicos de Delmarva para que los veas, categorizados por:

Close-up of a freshwater SAV plant underwater.

Reports available by year and month regarding where the vegetation is and what condition. Created by the University of Delaware Citizen Monitoring Program.

This Workgroup guides managers, provides technical expertise, and applies research to protect and restore SAV in the Chesapeake Bay.

An account of historic ranges of freshwater SAV by Schuyler, Andersen, and Kolaga, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1993

Report by Robert Orth and Ken Moore, Virginia Institute of Marine Science for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) 1988

A formal mapping effort to document the total acreage and locations of seagrass beds within the Inland Bays was undertaken in the spring of 2020 through the fall of 2021.

Field studies carried out between 1962-68 along the Atlantic coast of Delaware, Jacques Zaneveld, Old Dominion University, 1972

A Guide to the Restoration of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay and its Tidal Tributaries

Este sitio web está financiado por Delaware Sea Grant y el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Control Ambiental de Delaware (DNREC). El contenido es administrado por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Vegetación Acuática Sumergida del Estado de Delaware.

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